Calgarians for an affordable option

We are taxpayers concerned about the high-cost, high-risk Green Line.


Project experts confirm our worst fears: 99% of megaprojects underestimate costs, overpromise results, and spend as fast as possible to justify plans. Sound familiar?

Read What The Economist Says (PDF) >


Who we are

We are Calgarians who urge the city to embrace a more affordable option.

Our ad hoc committee and supporters include:

  • transportation and engineering experts
  • local business and community leaders
  • concerned citizens and taxpayers
  • public transit users

We want what’s best for taxpayers and Calgarians.

The Green Line is too big not to get right!

To learn about the more affordable option, see our SUBMISSION (PDF) and recommendations.

Join us to voice your concerns.

Sign up here

The city must rethink their $4.9 billion Green Line

Meet our team

Members, Ad Hoc Committee (PDF)


What people are saying


This plan does absolutely nothing to address operational issues – it doesn’t serve where the riders are actually going.

- Frank B -

Concerned Citizen

Why are so many concerned about the current plan? Because it will not produce the benefits everyone expects, and it will cost a fortune.


- Neil McKendrick -

Former transit planner, Calgary Transit

The City hasn’t provided the public with a realistic overview of the Green Line. It’s exposing taxpayers to a burden they can’t afford.

- Theo van Besouw -

P. Eng, MBA, Calgary taxpayer

Status of other LRT Projects

LRT projects halted or postponed

Let’s learn from LRT projects across Canada and avoid costly mistakes!

$4.65 Billion

44 Km + 29 Stops

$4.9 Billion + $500 MILLION

 20 Km + 15 Stops

$1 Billion spent

Upgrading Utilities

$5.5 - $10 BILLION

20 Km + 13 Stops

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